Bo%C5%BEidara Turzonovov%C3%A1

Prof. Mgr. Art. Boidara Turzonovov is a Slovak film and stage actress of Bulgarian origins, often referred to as The First Lady of Slovak Theater and Film,.

Boidara Turzonovov is a daughter of a female medician from Serbia and a reputable architect with origins in Macedonia . As the oldest of three descendents, she was born in the Kingdom of Bulgaria. After thirteen months spent in Sofia, her mother followed the spouse to Bratislava, where he worked since 1939. From 1943, Turzonovov was therefore raised in Slovakia. According to the actress, she was often called that Bulgarian at that time that led her to a state of feeling rather humbled . Although, she originally planned to study art history at the Palack University of Olomouc in western part of thenCzechoslovakia, for which she would also apply, Turzonovov continued with drama eventually at the Slovak Academy of Performing Arts. While one of her classmates was Emlia Vryov, her teacher became Jn Borod who taught the Stanislavskis method. However, as the artist later disclosed, she found difficult to couple with partners on the scene, and wanted to abandon the college. In 2012 for SME she

Source: Wikipedia